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Wanted: Writer

Ladies. Gentlemen. Nice to meet you, whoever you are.

Only one thing is certain: you know how to write. Also, you’re pretty good at it.

de-writer-wanted-10-08-2014 Kopie.jpg

You can put one word after the next and create something special, because you know that the pen is always mightier than the sword - and your preferred choice of weapon is German. English is a good number two.

The rest is up for debate with us at Debitoor.

You won’t find any required skills or nondescript responsibilities neatly set up in bullet points here – we trust your judgment and research skills. As should you, by the way.

Yes, there are certain requirements, but your parents being wizards is not one of them – this isn’t Hogwarts (but if it was you’d totally be a Gryffindor).

The only connection to wizardry is your unfazed and utterly cool approach to social media, which is one of the platforms in which you like to work your magic.

Your exquisite copy tells no lies

You write from the heart. You know what a bildungsroman is. Your favourite movie isn’t The Notebook (no disrespect, Ryan Gosling).

You like dogs.

You spend your Saturday nights watching videos of people falling down. You enjoy stealing your best friend’s phone to sabotage her Tinder-profile. You know that less is always more --

And that rules can be broken or bent.

Because you are an individual who can think for yourself, act on your instincts, and write in your own voice when it’s time to fill in the __.

In fact, you’re kind of like Germany’s football team – good individually, but you know there’s no way you’re winning the World Cup if you can’t play well with the other kids on the team.

All we care about is your hunger

You could be a newly blossomed butterfly, a seasoned soldier or raised by lions – all we care about is your hunger.

Because you better be goddamn hungry.

You won’t settle for microwaved sloppy seconds; you want the 5-course-meal and the whole nine yards. You see potential where no one else does, and then you do something about it. In an ideal world you were once a freelancer or have somewhere else acquired some accounting and invoicing knowledge, which will come in very handy.

Most importantly, though, you can make the reader read.

You can grab him and her and never let them go, whether it’s a long article, a medium-sized email or a short social update.

Communication is where you thrive, and people listen to you even when you’re describing more complex matters. Our customers are like you and me and the beer-loving cat-owning internet-savvy movie-watching free spirits of the world – so you need to write for them.

Berlin would be your city, although some air-based commuting to our HQ in Copenhagen would be required regularly.

We’re growing and we want to be the best, hence our appeal for a candidate who’s bold enough to think outside all of the boxes. Life is like a box of chocolates, you say? Throw that box away and send us some of your finest work. Or a love letter, if you dare. You never know what you’re gonna get.

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